Newsletter 03-2022
2022, a great year for the MLQE and you!
You have to be enthusiastic about your job to be good at itDenis Diderot
Dear readers,
At the time of writing, important deadlines for the MLQE are fast approaching!
First of all, the revision of our PLQE guidelines will soon be completed, paving the way for applications for the future 2022 winners (see dedicated section below). A facilitated process, the integration of current and future issues, so many additions and complements for the success of the candidates. With the PLQE, participating is already progressing!

Then, the General Assembly will take place at the end of April. With it, the renewal of 5 administrators' mandates open to candidacies (see dedicated section below). Following this, the Board will elect a new Presidence (in June). A pivotal year for our association in terms of governance.
Finally, the 2022 activities are launched, open to members and non-members, and we invite you to enjoy them without moderation.
We look forward to welcoming you to our activities and sharing throughout the year!
JOIN THE MLQE to make 2022 an extraordinary year together!
Sullivan THOMAS, Secretary General

General Assembly 2022 | 26/04
Dear Members, we would like to invite you to the ordinary General Assembly which will be held :
In person, on 26 April 2022 from 5pm
Due to the health context, the modalities may be adapted or modified
Call for candidacies:
Would you like to join the Board of Administrators? There are 5 mandates to renew this year!
Register for the GA 2022 and/or nominate yourself:
Discovery area
Webinars, round table, clubs, ...
ISO from scratch (Cycle 2022, FR)
Animations, exchanges and sharing of experience in a benevolent environment around the 3 flagship standards ISO 9001, ISO 45001 and ISO 14001 but also related concepts without forgetting the interactivity.
Sessions to come : 08/03 et 12/04
N.B. : The content of previous sessions is now available to present and future participants on
Expert's voice | Proactive VS reactive - 24/03 10h-12h (FR)
Among the themes planned for this year, let's talk about one of the most important but also the most misunderstood: risk management.
Rather than theories, let's approach things by example and sharing of experience with our expert, Nathalie DUCHESNES, through an evocative subject:
Proactivity VS reactivity (click to participate)
A good starting point to discuss or exchange on these subjects and always the possibility to go further with our other poles: training and accompaniment.
Conférences and more
Quality & Innovation day | 21/06
Relevant interventions on the topics and issues that matter to companies in a dynamic and face-to-face format!
The modalities are still to be defined and the agenda will follow, but you can already show your interest and reserve your seat.

Cycle of talks and sharing | Q2 2022
The project presented in the latest newsletter had to be postponed due to sanitary requirements.
Follow the events section to register as soon as the event is rescheduled.
Reminder :
MLQE and Chambre des Métiers propose a series of conferences dedicated to the craft industry groups by giving the floor to key actors in their respective sectors to illustrate the themes of the session, discuss the issues, the context or the opportunities and exchange with the participants.
Knowledge and Skills area

Go2Perform, the right thing to do!
The plateform is helping more and more companies with practical and easy to implement tools.
We invite you to share this information to benefit as many people as possible!

Upcoming courses | March-June
Management systems ISO
- 24/03 | ISO 9001 Foundation – Système de management de la qualité (FR, anglais sur demande)
- 03/05 | ISO 9001 - Audit d’un système de management de la qualité (FR)
- 25/11 | Mettre en place un système de management de la qualité (FR)
- 2022- | ISO 14001:2015 et EMAS Foundation - Système de Management environnemental (FR)
- 2022- | ISO 14001:2015 et EMAS - Audit d'un système de Management environnemental (FR)
- 19/05 | ISO 45001 Foundation – Système de management de la santé et sécurité au travail (FR)
- 02/06 | ISO 45001 Audit d'un système de management de la santé et sécurité au travail (FR)
- 26/04 | ISO 19011 – Audit des systèmes de management (FR)
- 15/06 | Audit interne d’une organisation - Système de management (FR)
- 2022- | ISO 50001:2018 Foundation - Système de management de l’énergie (FR)
- 2022- | ISO 50001:2018 - Audit d'un système de management de l’énergie (FR)
EFQM Model 2020
- 21/03 | EFQM Foundation - Modèle de Management (version 2020) (FR, anglais sur demande)
- COMPLET | EFQM Organisational Change Leader (FR, anglais sur demande)
- COMPLET | EFQM Assessor Training (FR, anglais sur demande)
Projects, risks, ...
- 2022- | Root Cause Analysis for Internal Audit (EN) (FR)
- 07/12 | Conduite du changement - Méthode et outils (FR)
- 05/05 | Gestion de projet - Cours accéléré (FR)
- 2022- | Business process modeling - Concevoir des workflows et des processus (FR)
- 2022- | Lean 6 sigma Awareness (EN)
- 2022- | Lean Six Sigma - Yellow Belt Training (EN)
- 2022- | Lean Six Sigma - Green Belt Training (EN)
- 2022- | Lean Six Sigma - Black Belt Training (EN)
- 2022- | Lean Thinking - Green Belt Training (EN)
We offer several other courses on request.
Full catalogue : CLICK HERE
Accompaniment area
Tailor-made approaches dedicated to your performance
We have several tried and tested formats and themes as well as ongoing projects to offer tailor-made approaches, the very essence of this division being to take into account your uniqueness as a company in order to co-construct your success.
Tailor-made training, advice, support for the implementation of a particular project, individual and group coaching, etc. These are all approaches that we are developing with expert partners to guarantee you: added value of the interventions, return on investment and controlled costs thanks to our network.
If you would like us to study a theme together, please contact us.
Sharing and Inspiration area

Call for applications | PLQE 2022
The PLQE process is not limited to an assessment to award a prize! It is above all a tool for (self-) assessment and improvement of the company which invites the candidate to take a step back and look at his or her activities in order to identify or confirm his or her strong points and areas for improvement and to work on his or her performance in the broad sense of the term, from his or her raison d'être to the results.
It is open and adapted to any size of company, whatever the sector of activity!
Doubt it? Take a look at who our winners are!
We communicate about the winners, not the candidates. By participating, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
To celebrate this event together, join the journey and why not become the first to be highlighted by our awards in 2022:
- - Contact us
- - The revision of the reference framework is coming to an end: a public presentation session will also be scheduled soon
Call for applications | Student Award 2022
Students also have the right to be valued for their work!
- - To give them the recognition they deserve and to support this dynamic, we invite students to take part in the Student Award
- - If this approach makes sense to you, support this event.
Award date: same as PLQE 2022 award evening, 24/11

PLQE evening | 24/11
Want to share and learn?
One of our missions is to promote and encourage all approaches and initiatives aimed at Quality and Excellence in all its forms. During our Quality and Innovation Day (QID), we had the honour and the pleasure of discovering the testimonies of Foyer and Goodyear regarding their management models, particularly on the axis of change or employee involvement.
Circles of Good Practice, Paths to Excellence, ... there are several formats waiting for you in 2022.
Craft, industry, commerce, each activity can learn from the others and inspire them peer to peer or cross-sectorally.
If you want to highlight your company's know-how, share good practices or inspire, contact us.
Events to come
Find the list of all our events in the events section.