Newsletter 11-2021
We are preparing 2022!
The more you can look into the past, the further you will see into the futureWinston Churchill
Dear readers,
After 20 years of existence and two unprecedented years, the MLQE is preparing for a year 2022 rich in projects and activities!
Many of the actions undertaken since my arrival, and with the support of all, are now bearing fruit for the greater benefit of our members but also of a public, an audience in perpetual growth.
Despite the pandemic context, which is unfortunately still present, we have pursued many lines together: collaborations, partnerships, development of activities and tailor-made services, etc. These are all elements that will guide the actions and programmes for 2022.
It is with pleasure and impatience that we hope to share soon the lines of thought and the projects that we are currently carrying out.Yes, "we": founding members, members, partners, etc. Each one of us now finds the place that suits us and that we wish to occupy.

You can already JOIN THE MLQE in 2021: take advantage of the benefits of membership until the end of the year by filling in the membership form and you will only receive the call for membership fees in 2022.
Sullivan THOMAS, Secretary General

Luxembourg Prizes for Quality and Excellence 2021
The evening attracted particularly strong interest this year, well beyond the expected health gauge, and registrations are now closed. In order to guarantee a maximum representation of everyone while favouring the candidates and winners of course, we are working on optimising the registrations.
Confirmations will follow very soon.

Discovery area
Webinars, round tables, clubs, ...
14/12 ISO from scratch (Cycle 2021, FR)
A monthly meeting that continues to attract followers.
Animations, exchanges and sharing of experience in a benevolent environment around the 3 flagship standards ISO 9001, ISO 45001 and ISO 14001 but also related concepts without forgetting the interactivity.
N.B.: The content of previous sessions is now available to present and future participants on
Join the group: CLICK HERE
ISO from scratch - A new cycle in 2022 (FR)
Given the success of this monthly series, the activity is already being renewed in 2022.
Animations, exchanges and sharing of experience in a benevolent environment around the 3 flagship standards ISO 9001, ISO 45001 and ISO 14001 but also related concepts (management, risks) without forgetting the interactivity.
N.B.: The content of previous sessions is now available to present and future participants on
Join the group: CLICK HERE
Round tables, best practice circles, ...
In 2022, we will offer you other activities on key topics adapted to all, regardless of the sector of activity or size of the company: management by risk approach, continuous improvement but also growing topics such as quality of life at work and others to come.
These activities are free for our members but open to all to help you a foot in the door if you are just starting out or to deepen your knowledge of these subjects and find new ways of working and improving in your companies.
Knowledge and Skills area

What's new
While waiting for the next tools to be published on the platform, we have added some links in the "External resources" section that may be of interest to you:
- COPSOQ: a reference tool on the assessment of psychosocial risks
- CAN/BNQ 9700-800: a reference framework on prevention, promotion and organisational practices favourable to health and well-being in the workplace
We will be discussing these topics with you in 2022 during dedicated activities.
Discover the growing catalogue: CLICK HERE

Upcoming courses
Management systems ISO
- 06/12 | ISO 9001 Foundation – Système de management de la qualité (FR, anglais sur demande)
- 03/05 | ISO 9001 - Audit d’un système de management de la qualité (FR)
- 2022- | ISO 14001:2015 et EMAS Foundation - Système de Management environnemental (FR)
- 13/12 | ISO 14001:2015 et EMAS - Audit d'un système de Management environnemental (FR)
- 02/12 | ISO 45001 Foundation – Système de management de la santé et sécurité au travail (FR)
- 17/12 | ISO 45001 Audit d'un système de management de la santé et sécurité au travail (FR)
- 26/04 | ISO 19011 – Audit des systèmes de management (FR)
- 2022- | Audit interne d’une organisation - Système de management (FR)
- 2022- | ISO 50001:2018 Foundation - Système de management de l’énergie (FR)
- 2022- | ISO 50001:2018 - Audit d'un système de management de l’énergie (FR)
EFQM Model 2020
- 2022- | EFQM Foundation - Modèle de Management (version 2020) (FR, anglais sur demande)
- 2022- | EFQM Organisational Change Leader (FR, anglais sur demande)
- 19/01 | EFQM Assessor Training (FR, anglais sur demande)
Projects, risks, ...
- 22/11 | Root Cause Analysis for Internal Audit (EN) (FR)
- 28/02 | Conduite du changement - Méthode et outils (FR)
- 2022- | Gestion de projet - Cours accéléré (FR)
- 2022- | Lean 6 sigma Awareness (EN)
- 29/11 | Lean Six Sigma - Yellow Belt Training (EN)
- 02/12 | Lean Six Sigma - Green Belt Training (EN)
- 13/12 | Lean Six Sigma - Black Belt Training (EN)
- 02/12 | Lean Thinking - Green Belt Training (EN)
Nous proposons plusieurs autres formations sur demande.
Tout le catalogue : CLIQUEZ ICI.
Accompaniment area
Tailor-made approaches dedicated to your performance
Tailor-made training, advice, support for the implementation of a particular project, individual and group coaching, etc. These are all approaches that we are developing with expert partners to guarantee you: added value of the interventions, return on investment and controlled costs thanks to our network.
We have several tried and tested formats and themes as well as ongoing projects to offer tailor-made approaches, the very essence of this division being to take into account your uniqueness as a company in order to co-construct your success.
If you would like us to study a theme together, please contact us
Sharing and Inspiration area

New in 2022 !
The repository is continuously improved and undergoes a major overhaul at regular intervals. This will be the case in 2022:
- Taking into account the evolution of reference models (ISO, EFQM, etc.), relevant trends, ...
- Dynamics of the company support process
- Facilitation of the drafting of the file and of the development of your company
- Reaffirmation of the standard in its accessibility to all organisations, regardless of sector of activity, size or status
- Training courses, information, awareness-raising for candidates, assessors, etc.
- etc.
To celebrate this event together, join the course and why not become the first to be highlighted by our awards in 2022, contact us.
Want to share and learn?
One of our missions is to promote and encourage all approaches and initiatives aimed at Quality and Excellence in all its forms. During our Quality and Innovation Day (QID), we had the honour and the pleasure of discovering the testimonies of Foyer and Goodyear regarding their management models, particularly on the axis of change or employee involvement.
Circles of Good Practice, Paths to Excellence, ... there are several formats waiting for you in 2022.
Craft, industry, commerce, ... each activity can learn from the others and inspire them peer to peer or cross-sectorally.
If you want to highlight your company's know-how, share good practices or inspire, contact us.
Events to come
Find the list of all our events in the events section.